Fact Checking Policy

a) VKP News 7 strives to be your trusted source of news, delivering accurate information across all platforms. We take this responsibility seriously, employing a multi-layered approach to ensure factual reporting:

  • Critical Investigation: We approach every claim with skepticism, questioning assumptions and challenging conventional wisdom to uncover the truth.
  • Due Accuracy: We commit to achieving “due accuracy” in all content. This means the level of accuracy must be appropriate to the subject and nature of the piece, explicitly mentioning any limitations that may influence expectations.

b) All our output is grounded in evidence. We:

  • Source Extensively: We rely on reliable sources and verifiable evidence to support our reporting.
  • Seek Corroboration: Claims and information, especially from official sources or those with potential agendas, are independently verified.
  • Embrace Transparency: We are honest about what we don’t know and avoid unfounded speculation.

c) VKP News 7 journalists uphold the highest ethical standards:

  • Zero Tolerance for Plagiarism: We never deliberately plagiarize or distort facts and context, including visual information.
  • Fact-Checking is Paramount: We seek independent verification for claims and information before publication.

d) We stand by the information we publish, but are quick to acknowledge and rectify errors:

  • Prompt Corrections: We correct factual errors promptly and transparently, updating the news item online and issuing appropriate editor’s notes. We never knowingly mislead our audience or present fabricated information.
  • Public Reporting: We provide a “Suggest a Correction” section on every story to facilitate public feedback.

e) Our journalists are dedicated to rigorous reporting and fact-checking:

  • Multi-Level Review: Stories undergo review by one or more editors, with the seniority level depending on factors like complexity, sensitivity, and time constraints.

VKP News 7 Correction Policy:

We recognize that errors may occur, and we are committed to correcting them promptly and transparently. Here’s how it works:


  • Report Errors: If you identify an error, please contact the Editor-in-Chief, [Name], immediately via email at [email address], phone, or in person.
  • Subject and Details: Clearly state “Correction Needed” in the subject line and include the error, issue date or number, platform where you saw it (online, print, etc.), your name, and contact information.
  • Provide Sources (Optional): If applicable, include the correct information and a source for it, such as meeting minutes for an incorrect vote tally.

VKP News 7:

  • Investigation: Upon receiving an error report, the Editor-in-Chief will investigate using the provided information and other available resources.
  • Correction Process: If an error is confirmed, it will be corrected in all forms of dissemination:
    • Print: A correction will be published on page 2A in the next issue, specifying the issue, article, incorrect information, and correction.
    • Online: The article will be corrected with an editor’s note at the bottom, detailing the error and correction date.
    • Social Media: A post linking to the corrected article and highlighting the correction will be shared on relevant platforms.
  • Reader Feedback: The Editor-in-Chief will inform the reader who reported the error about the steps taken to rectify it.

VKP News 7 is dedicated to providing accurate and reliable news coverage. We value your trust and encourage you to report any errors you may find. Together, we can ensure accurate and transparent information reaches everyone.