Reality of Pan Masala Industry


We already know how bad tobacco is for humans. Every year, 1.35 million people loose their lives just because of using this pan masala tobacco. Means everyday – 3,699 and every hour 154 death occur. Now, the video that you’re watching – as this video ends – 60 people in India would’ve di*d by using tobacco.

Everyone knows that tobacco causes problems. But even after that, 30% of population that is – 194 million people – consume tobacco. In fact, smokeless tobacco is banned in India but even after that 21.4% of adults use smokeless tobacco. And more than 2 lakh people lost their lives due to it. And you can say that – how can a banned thing reach to people and it reaches at such a level that people are losing their lives in lakhs.

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And its not that – it is reaching due to black-marketing By playing small tricks, in a planned way – from top to bottom putting people’s lives at stake – all this game is played. In which, from your favorite actors to politicians – all of them are involved. These tobaccos and cigarettes isn’t something people learn by birth. People learn from the surrounding. If there’s a kid – if he doesn’t know, from his favorite actor or sports person that these things exist as well. Then, he’ll not be addicted. Now, you’ll say that – the advertisement that you’re talking about is already banned on T.V. – then what do you mean to day. So, let me explain you everything.

pan masala ads being played

See, earlier – these big celebrities used to publicly advertise tobacco, alcohol on T.V. but in the year 1986 and 1990 World Health Organization (WHO) passed a resolution in which – every country has to take action against tobacco they’ve to take different steps. So, India had also signed in it – but what India did was – Cable Television Network in India it was a regulation Act, 1995 – he implied this – in which India Cable Networks – which earlier publicly advertised alcohol, and Cigarettes – was banned. But even after that, with small ways sports event that took place – ads continued through that.

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Now, those who took cigarettes – we won’t even talk about them – their population had already increased. But 1.3 million people – due to the study taken up – were such who stood along with people smoking cigarettes.

Ones who were passive smoker – they were losing lives every year. 24 million people became disabled. They weren’t smoking but stood along with cigarette smokers. They were passive smokers. And this was a huge number – due to which Indian Government understood that – they need to take more steps. And then, COTPA Act was introduced – Cigarettes and Other Tobacco products Act and after introducing this – major changes in rules were made – like, it was banned to smoke in public places because passive smoking also caused dea*hs. And it was told that – people cannot sell tobacco products within 100 yards of educational institutions.

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People who were under 18 years of age – weren’t allowed to use all of these. After this act was introduced, the biggest shock was that – the small ads that were running in different ways they were totally banned – basically after this act – the companies had two options for advertisement all the places were closed. So, this act didn’t ban any product – different rules were made regarding advertisements but none of the product was banned.

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Now, comes the year 2011 where one of the product was banned. And how was it banned – to explain that, I need to explain you the structure of Pan Masala.

So, Paan has always been the culture of India – which includes normal Supari, Gulkand, Elaichi that people have been consuming since ages. Now, when the technology arrived this PAAN was dehydrated – means it was dried and it was started to be sold after being sealed in a packet which was called PAN Masala. And when this PAN MASALA started selling fine – then to make it addictive – processed tobacco was used in it. And that was called Gutkha. At some places – its called Puri, Purki. And to maintain this packet of Gutkha for a longer period of time – so that it doesn’t get ruined lot of different chemicals were used in it. Magnesium was used to make it addictive along with other things in it.

More than 40 substances were found in it that were responsible for cancer & it was more dangerous comparative to cigarette because Gutkha was directly introduced through mouth. So, the cancer substances were directly entering your stomach so, oral cancer started breaking records in India. Means, 90% of all the oral cancers in India was caused due to Gutkha.

So, looking at it – the government introduced the federal food and safety act – according to which the tobacco will not be used in any food item.

So, in a way tobacco was banned – because Gutkha was made by mixing tobacco in pan masala.

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But Pan Masala was registered as a food in FSSAI. And the license that it got was also as a food. So, after this act was introduced – PAN MASALA could be sold but the tobacco mixed Gutkha that was sold was banned. So, what I mean to say is – in 2011, 24 sates and 3 union territories in India Gutkha was banned.

Sharad Pawar, the former CM of Maharashtra played an important role to make it banned -because he was diagnosed with cancer himself by consuming Gutkha. And he had mouth surgery as well.

Then he raised his voice in the parliament to ban it as we all know that – Gutkha, cigarette – is very bad for people but addiction is such a bad thing that you cannot easily get rid of.

So, rule was implied in India but the market of these tobacco companies – if I tell you about 2022, then it was of 43,410.2 crores. And for people with so much money rules don’t exist. They called the best minds of the world and applied different tricks.

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Firstly, they started entering in to all the policy makers and government officials because, they knew that without taking government people along – they can’t make out the solution.

They funded political parties in crores, in fact in the tobacco companies – the shares were belonged to the government.

That I’ll show you with proof, but let’s discuss this before that.

So, firstly all the tobacco companies went to appeal against this tobacco act in the court.

But when they couldn’t be satisfied, then they found a different way.

They introduced a twin pack of PAN Masala and processed tobacco means Pan Masala differently and tobacco differently and started the business.

Means, earlier the one who used to eat Gutkha, he’ll buy a packet of Paan Masala, then he’ll buy processed tobaccomand he’ll mix both of them, make the same product that was already banned.

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For example, the Maruti Gutkha that was sold earlier, now it was sold as Maruti Pan Masala and along with that Maruti Tobacco – or Zarda – it was sold as two packets.

Earlier, it was sold in one packet now it was sold as two packets. And people started consuming it by mixing both of them. And similarly, every company split its brand. As you’ll get Shikhar Gutkha, Shikar Pan Masala you’ll get Shikhar Filter Khaini, Shikhar normal tobacco as well.

In this way, the brand split it products. So, the product that was banned that means, Gutkha that was banned they found the way to sell it – but they had yet to find its way of advertisement because until they advertise – if the product won’t reach people then how will it be sold.

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So, in solution to this – they brought surrogate advertisement concept.

So, all the Gutkha, cigarettes, alcohol were banned – so they made similar packaging like Gutkha, made the color, style – but they just wrote Supari instead of Gutkha or they started writing Elaichi.

Similarly, they started writing different things and started advertising it. Similarly, the alcohol companies copied them and with the same name of Soda & started advertising it.

Some even started advertising in Music-CDs – you might’ve seen that ad which is very famous “Men will be Men” Imperial Blue Music CDs- did anyone ever bought that CD or did anyone ever hear the songs of that CD?

Actually, those CDs weren’t ever seen anywhere – nobody could ever buy it – only its ad could be seen. So that, the main product could be brought in limelight.

Even today – on Flipkart, Amazon – the tag of sold out is put up, image is being put up – but you cannot buy it because actually, in the unsaid communication they want to do their alcohol ad.

The ‘Men will be Men’ ad got everyone hooked up, but which product was this ad for – everyone is confused on this argument.

nobody could ever buy that product – similarly, ‘502 Patakha’ – which is a very popular ‘beedi’ brand.

started endorsing itself with ‘502 Patakha Tea’ – similarly the ‘aristocrat’ whiskey that was made instead of that – they started making ads in the name of ‘Aristocrat apple juice’, so ‘Aristocrat whiskey’ is remembered by everyone but the juice – ‘Aristocrat’ wasn’t drank by anyone.

So, by investing crores of rupees – they created ads.

And advertised such products that didn’t even exist or wasn’t available in the market.

And all these things were done so that their main tobacco, alcohol

that could be promoted.

And when someone goes to the alcohol shop – then they should say names like, Aristocrat, Imperial Blue similarly, Royal Challenge sports drink – whose ad is done by Virat Kohli you’ll not get to buy that as well. An entire team was created in PIL by the name Royal Challengers.

Some people appealed in the court against it – that they’re making a team named after an alcohol.

It’ll promote alcohol a lot but they lost the case in the court because, in the name of the team an extra ‘s’ was added – royal challenger was made royal challengers.

If you want a product to get more attention in less time – then companies catch celebrities for that.

So, tobacco companies did the same. They gave money to big celebrities. Now generally, hero is the one who saves people but our heroes, easily got ready to put the lives of our people at stake.

for money.

In 2021, Ranveer Singh and Amitabh Bacchan agreed for the endorsement for Kamala Pasand Eliachi.

In 2022, Sharukh Khan, Ajay Devgan and Akshay Kumar – 3 big celebrities agreed for the ad of Vimal Paan Masala all at once.

They didn’t even take the name of Eliachi in the entire ad – it was just written in the side Eliachi what does it mean in the music CD – keep on adding small and make it big – why is it being repeatedly said?

keep on adding small and make it big


If you look carefully, then lot of confusion is created – a kid can ask for tobacco while asking for eliachi or he can mistakenly eat tobacco. If you’ll visit the shopkeeper, then the packets are lined and its very confusing an adult has to ask 10 times that – is tobacco mixed in it?

If an adult is facing such problem, then a kid can be even more confused by looking at these ads.

Priyanka Chopra was made the ambassador of Child Rights and Adolescent health in UN.

But even after that, they did the ad of Rajnigandha.

Rajnigandha is two of the big famous zarda brands in India.

It makes – Tulsi and Baba.

It also makes Teacher’s – which a big whiskey brand.

Now, Priyanka Chopra did both the ads – Alia Bhatt did the ad of Blender’s Pride.

They defend themselves that – they’re not doing the ad of Gutkha or alcohol but instead of Eliachi and Soda but how can one believe – that they don’t know which product is the ad for.

Similarly, in the ad of Paan Bahar – Tiger Shrauff, Mahesh Babu – Salman Khan for Raj shree eliachi Hrithik Roshan in Siggnature eliachi – Malaika Arora in Chaini Chaini – then Sanjay Dutt, Anushka Sharma Manoj Bajpayee – you’ll get all the names that you take – Karthik Aryan rejected the deal of 15 crore they told that he’ll not do such ads but when his pockets were that then he along with Jacqueline Fernandez – did the ad of Magic moments – in which even the bottle was shown.

Means alcohol bottle was shown but then it was blurred.

The people of entire nation made them star but in return they’re preparing to spread cancer for the children of India.

If you’ve a small brother at home, or a small kid – then if you watch him with friend who smokes, drinks alcohol, gambles then you scold him – that don’t roam with him. Because you know that until he knows then how will he get addicted – how will get entangled in these things.

That’s why you tell him to stay away from them.

But even after doing all this – you immediately open the T.V. show the ads of these heroes so that the child understands that – if he consumes Rajnigandha the whole world will be under his feet.

And its not that – they only do the ad of Gutkha or only of Alcohol they’re also gambling – you’ll see them doing ads of apps which do gambling – like Teen Patti this is when they already have lot of money – now, think about the time when they would’ve been poor then in that case – which things would they’ve agreed on – only the god knows.

But if you’ve watched the sting operation of Cobra Post – then 36 celebrities including Sonu Sood agreed to promote political parties by accepting money.

All those clips are still there on youtube – do watch it.

Emraan Hashmi – rejected the offer of 4 crore of a liquor brand in 2013.

But in today’s date if you can say that he’s a real hero, then its Sachin Tendulkar in 32 years of his public life and 24 years of cricket career never did a surrogate ad – all the Gutkha Companies offered him a tempting money but Sachin never did this.

The cricket world cup of 1996, BCCI wasn’t rich at that time – so cricketrs didn’t have that much noeny as well, so, Wills is a cigarette company – which sponsored the entire world cup but you’ll shocked that Sachin played with an unsponsored bat in that world cup.

You’ll still see that – there’s not sticker on that bat – but all the other players agreed for the ad.

UB group offered him 20 crores – but Sachin Tandulkar rejected them in a second.

In IPL as well, when the players were taking their share from annual commercials then Sachin refrained from taking part in such money which came from doing surrogate ad when you look at the cigarettes in the movies – the cigarette companies place the advertisements in a planned way and I’ll tell you why they do it.

In Feb 2003, WHO published a report in which it was reported that – 76% Indian movies showed the ads of tobacco between 1991 and 2002.

Now, if we talk about 2005 then 89% movies which promoted tobacco & cigarettes in the movies.

Society for Neuroscience research experimented on 17 people – among which 17 smokers and 17 non-smokers had functional MRI – FMRI – and were shown movies, when in the parietal lobes of 17 smokers – on watching the smoking scenes heavy brain activities could be seen.

I’m telling this because – more than 89% of the movies have tobacco scenes.

Due to which – people who want to leave tobacco – start smoking again or have problems.

In India, every year 60-700 crore rupees are invested in surrogate advertisement.

The surrogate ads that’re done – Imperial Blue CDs – Energy drink Eliachi and all they can’t generate so much money with them – so that they can do surrogate ads with big stars.

Actually – by introducing these surrogate ads in the market – they sell tobacco.


Veerendra Patel
Veerendra Patel
वीरेंद्र पटेल नामक बालक ने 2023 से न्यूज ब्लॉग शुरू किया. जैसे-तैसे हो गया समझो. इसके अलावा वीरेंद्र ने कुछ खास नहीं उखाड़ा. अभी जोतने में लगा है. जब टाइम आएगा तो कलेबा करके उखाड़ने पहुंच जाएगा. वीरेंद्र एक नंबर का घुमक्कड़, इंट्रोवर्ट और निर्लज्ज प्राणी है. इसको कुछ भी सीखने में बहुत आनंद आता है. लेकिन याद्दाश्त का कच्चा है बेचारा, सो दूसरों को पढ़ाकर सीखा हुआ समेटने की कोशिश करता रहता है.



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